Your Way

by Michael Feeley
THIS IS HOW it’s done.
This always works for me.
Do this.
You have experience doing things your way.
You’ve practiced lots of tasks and built up skills that work for you – typing – speaking a language – driving – cooking – painting – cleaning a swimming pool – paying bills – doing laundry – training people – organizing – all the responsibilities you have in your job.
The danger is feeling you’re always right.
Superior in your judgments and answers.
People should listen to you and let you manage things for them to work.
How open are you to change?
How willing are you to try something different and consider other possibilities that might work better than your way?
How much do you want to learn new things?
How can other people help you to have your way?
What does it mean for you to have your way truly?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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