Your Dreams Express You and Create Change

by Michael Feeley
WHERE ARE YOU most yourself, most expressed and happy?
What is it you are doing?
Why does this specific dream you’re going after make you feel complete and proud?
Teaching, helping people, performing, organizing, cooking, raising children, managing, having a personal relationship, writing, creating, offering top service, solving problems, being generous, standing for justice+++
What difference are you hoping to make for your self – other people – and perhaps in the world?
Why is this contribution for change important to you?
You can make your dream – purpose – drive – vocation – love – a reality by creating an achievable plan with logic and emotion – passion and scientific data – strategy and heart.
Go fly your logical dream!
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this post with your tribes and you’ll create some kind of change.
I think this matters too – Clearing for Change.