Your Compact Business Plan for Change

by Michael Feeley
EVERYONE FROM AN executive to a security guard to a young child is looking for some kind of change in themselves, perhaps in other people, and even in our world.
We may have different job titles and responsibilities, dreams, goals, hopes, fears, concerns, and plans, but – our questions are similar. We are all equal. We each put our pants on the same way every day.
Life is a process, a journey, an adventure where we each want to be happy and live our best lives.
We cannot always create the changes we want by ourselves. We need help, and that’s where a professional coach is valuable – a trusted business alliance to work with – a dance partner – co-pilot – paint and brush to your canvas – a board to your surfing – a traffic coordinator to help keep you in your lane, stop and go, getting through intersections and over speed bumps on your designated journey for change.
Here’s a nugget of what I teach as Life + Career + Change Coach – Your Compact Business Plan for Change.
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*You always have a choice. It’s crucial to know this fact. (Test it. See if it is true. It’s the start of change.)
*Decide what change you want and why. (It’s a two-part question.)
*Commit to the specific change you desire. “This is what I want. I’m going to do this.”
*Build your plan – a reliable strategic plan to achieve your valuable change. What will you do step by step – detail by detail – day by day – hour by hour – moment to moment?
*START. Nothing happens until you take action and ACT.
*Accountability. Choose a person or two you trust who will help you come through, hold you accountable daily, and not allow you to fake away from your dream work. Tough and fair people asking:
> Where did you succeed?
> Where are you proud of yourself and your work?
> How can you do better?
> Where can we Reorganize, Reset, and Renew to enable your success?
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I’ll refine my words even more and give you the three bare essentials for change:
1. What are you going to do?
2. When will you do it?
3. How will you hold yourself accountable?
Change is possible. Change is friendlier than you know. Please show yourself immense kindness, understanding, and empathy as you create change. Show up and do the work.
Bon Voyage!
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share my Daily with your tribes.
This is also vital – Believe in Choice and Change.