You Create Change

by Michael Feeley
IT’S ONLY A MATTER of time before you find an answer to a question you have.
It’s true throughout your life. No matter what is happening to you – good or bad – there is a solution, and it comes from you. You create the change you want.
Other people can help you, but you have the final choice to try and make things happen.
There’s an abundance of knowledge available to each of us.
You can sit still or act and find the answers to make things better for yourself or another.
Think outside the box – see what worked for you in the past – release judgment – have the courage and march through confusion – hopelessness – laziness – right into positive change.
You’re powerful. Resourceful. Creative. Smart. Compassionate. More remarkable than you imagine.
Trust your self. You will find a way if you want to.
The answers to your questions are in you.
Thanks – Michael
Please share this post with your tribes and create the change you want.
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