You Can Change Like the Seasons

by Michael Feeley
THE SEASONS DEAL with change exceptionally well. There’s no conflict or stress as these four divisions of the year move from Spring -> Summer -> Fall -> Winter all around the world, each with its own climate conditions.
This seasonal change happens naturally as the earth changes position in relation to the sun.
We can learn how to effortlessly live with change just as the seasons do by knowing the facts of our lives and trying to understand our feelings, what we want and need just as we do with the daily and seasonal weather.
Change is a process. It’s often challenging, but not for the seasons. So let the four seasons be your master guide.
As I write this Daily, I’m incredibly aware of climate change and the urgent work we must do to fight climate change and make a permanent positive difference.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily and create positive change.
I think this is helpful too – Clearing for Change.