You Can Change

by Michael Feeley
A FRIEND TOLD me she’s too old to change. I said – “Nonsense.”
Change is always possible.
You can change something about yourself or something around you if you want to change.
Change is a choice. It’s your choice.
– You can change your mind.
– You can have a change of heart.
– You can change how you see the world.
Look and see what you feel. Is it –
“I can’t change.”
“I’m afraid to change.”
“I won’t change.”
Fear of change is big and real, as well as stubbornness, and if you want to change and can’t do it by yourself, get help.
Find someone to teach you yoga – hire a coach to help you get a new job – get some training and update your computer skills – look into moving to a new home.
You can change.
Commit to change and try.
Change is always ready for you.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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Take a look at this too – Change Your Mind and Heart.