You Can Be A Hummingbird

by Michael Feeley
Dazzling – free – tirelessly darting from flower to flower, collecting the nectar of life and eagerly giving it back,
beautifully putting together rest and motion – strength and delicacy – as they hover in the air, shimmering in iridescent colors of greens and blues, like a ballerina on point.
They may be small, but they pack a lot of power with agility and daring.
Their wings beat 10 – 15 times per second. The fastest recorded at 80 beats per second, and they can fly backwards,
sideways and even upside down. Such versatility!
Hummingbirds, while speedy, are precise. They can teach us how to accomplish what seems impossible with purpose and joyful living—reminding us to have fun and take delight in the little things of life.
Too often, we dart about trying to get things done fast, scratching them off our ‘to-do lists’ without much thought or joy.
Hummingbirds celebrate life, have an open heart, and savor every moment of every day, embracing nature and life.
Some people say hummingbirds stand for immortality, self-discovery, healing, encouraging you to follow your dreams
without letting obstacles get in your way.
What magic and wonder and optimism the universe has created in this tiny being!
I see myself in hummingbirds – having an abundance of tireless energy and a true joy for living. I definitely have followed my dreams. And, I still need to work on welcoming change and not letting other people interrupt my happiness.
– How are you related to a hummingbird?
– What can a hummingbird teach you?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this post like a hummingbird would.
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