You are Not Alone

by Michael Feeley
YOU HARDLY DO anything by yourself.
You use and need many kinds of things, services, and people. Things you count on from the world.
When you sleep, you use a bed, sheets, pillows, maybe an alarm clock, bottle of water.
You clean yourself with water, soap, towels, toothbrush and paste, hair brush, and put on clothes.
You do work and perhaps need a telephone, computer, calendar, pen, and paper. Whatever you use in your job.
Then there is food.
The other day I washed the windows in my sunroom. I needed vinegar, water, a measuring cup, a scrubby sponge,
microfiber towels, a squeegee, a fuzzy duster rod, a step ladder, vacuum.
I did the work by myself, and as you can see, I used many tools.
Take a look to see how you depend on other things and people.
You are not alone.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is also important – Your Impact on the World.