You and the World

by Michael Feeley
There is you, and all that is not you.
As we each connect with what is not us, we become what is not us – the outside world.
Through our work, we connect to other people and things. We become the chairs we sit in. We become the computers we type on and learn from. We become the words, thoughts, and feelings in our daily blog posts. We become the person we watch and listen to on a podcast interview. Through all our senses, we become the sunrise, fresh air, and temperature.
What do we owe what is not us?
How should we treat other people and things?
I love how the poet and philosopher Eli Siegel explains self and world – world and self:
“We all of us start with a here, ever so snug and ever so immediate. And this here is surrounded strangely, endlessly, by a there. We are always meeting this there: in other words, we are always meeting what is not ourselves, and we have to do something about it. We have to be ourselves, and give to this great and diversified there, which is not ourselves, what it deserves.”
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily with your tribes.
This is also important – Trust and Trusting the World.