Yes and No Comfort

by Michael Feeley
WE MAKE CHOICES all the time. Some are conscious, and some are not.
Inclusion and exclusion are also present. Yes includes, and no seems to exclude.
With the choice of yes or no comes commitment.
We say yes to one thing and have committed to it; the same is true of no.
Yes, to mint-chocolate-chip ice cream and no to pralines and cream (and maybe five other flavors).
It would help if you were OK with deciding yes and no.
Sometimes saying yes or no is the hardest thing to do.
Knowing what you want makes yes and no an easier process.
See your choices and understand how yes and no benefit you.
Yes, ordering pizza is more manageable than cooking a meal from scratch.
With every yes, there is a no, and the same is true for no.
How are you on making decisions – commitments – saying yes and no?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This matters too – Purpose.