Win-Win Winning
by Michael Feeley
OFTEN PEOPLE FEEL success and happiness are about beating out other people any way they can.
I win, you lose.
It’s filled with resentment, greed, anger, hatred, and conflict.
There is a different kind of energy and purpose in the ‘win-win’ choice.
If you win, I win.
It’s about helping others – having goodwill – the honest hope that good things happen to other people.
You move away from the ‘me’ ego attitude and unhealthy competition.
You have concern, compassion, relief, cooperation, and gratitude. You don’t take things personally as you work with a
‘we win together’ attitude.
There is greater freedom and control when you don’t control and judge. You see opportunities in being generous and kind.
Why not share and help?
It’s a different and better heart and mindset.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This matters too – Thwart or Goodwill.