What’s Your View of the World?

by Michael Feeley
WE EACH HAVE a view of the word, and we created it.
You watched and learned things about the world, other people, and your self from the moment you were born, making choices about how you see the world.
Adding things up about – people – families – women – men – money – religion – work – education – politics – different cultures+++ assessing what kind of place is the world.
Does the world make sense?
Can you trust the world?
It’s important to look at your attitude to the world – to see the truth and facts about your worldview.
You might discover that how you see the world needs improvement.
How fair and true is my view of the universe?
You have time to change how you see and treat the world.
It’s urgent for us all to care for people and the world.
Please do it now.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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I think you’ll like this too – Change How You See the World.