What’s Your Attitude?

by Michael Feeley
I’VE NOTICED TWO things about people, and it’s an attitude choice we each can make.
Some people adapt well to life. If supplies come in on Wednesday but don’t show up, they adjust by working with what’s available. They’re flexible and kind. Generous people. They know the world will eventually come through –
“No problem. Things happen.”
And then there are (what the community accurately nicknames) – The Complainers.
All they do is gripe about everything – barking dogs, land being cleared, dust, music, how much money other people have, government regulations, the cost of rents – giving their egos permission to run wild – thinking only of their way and their comfort. Selfish slugs of people.
They think the world is there to serve them. They want what they want when they want it, confronting and insulting the people providing services, demanding that the impossible change. They try to stir others up like a lynch mob –
“How did this happen? What are you going to do about this NOW?”
What kind of person are you?
Will you adapt, adjust, be flexible and kind with understanding about inconvenient surprises or will you dominate with superiority and cause a diva scene? Throw a hissy fit temper tantrum?
Which attitude choice represents how you want to live and how you want other people to see you?
Thanks – Michael
Please share this post with others encouraging good and kind attitudes over selfishness.
What do you think about this? – Two Kinds of People – Two Choices.