What’s The Dream You’re Not Going After?

by Michael Feeley
Why not?
What makes you afraid to go after your dream?
Right now – Focus on the thing you dream most about doing. See it… Feel it… Just relax into looking at your dream.
Where can you find the logic and the guts to go and get your dream?
Where is your simple courage and confidence? We both know you have what it takes to do this.
Your ‘Lizard Brain’ – Cynic – Inner Heckler doesn’t want you to do it. It holds you hostage with fear and doubt.
The status quo also says NO! Stay put. Stay in line. Don’t speak up. Follow all the others who are not going after their dreams. Remain lost and locked down in the crowd. Don’t shine. Be ordinary. Faint. Average. Mediocre.
Why not choose to follow the road not taken when it comes to your dream? Explore and risk and take your chance. Take your turn because you want to and you know you love that feeling of the new challenge and adventure. Creating something you long for and think about all the time – your heart’s desire. It’s never too late. Your dreams are waiting for you. Standing by. Ready to go!
All my life I have been living my dreams no matter how many stones were hanging around my neck. No matter how many people said no or nothing.
I urge you – Don’t play it safe. Don’t waste your dream or your life. We get one chance to live the life we most want. Why not go for it every day.
What does it cost you to try!?! NOTHING. Trying is free and it can be big fun too.
Go ahead! Give yourself permission to step right into your dreams. You are fully capable of this and then you’ll be able to say — “I did it! I’m really living!”
Thanks – Michael
Please pass this along and encourage as many people as you can to live their dreams.
See what you think of this – Live Your Dreams – 25 Surprising Ideas to Help You Do It.