What’s My Choice?

by Michael Feeley
There are two things going on. Two different forces or feelings running people… and there is a choice.
1. Courage about a virus and its effects around the world.
2. Fear about a virus and its effects around the world.
How do you want to live and encourage other people at this time?
Creating courage or creating fear? Living with empathy, deep genuine care for people or being indifferent?
That’s the choice.
Certainly… keep the right, precautionary distance but why not distance it with warmth and kindness not judgment.
We all know people who are spirited upwards at this time. Being their true selves. Living their best and most generous and caring lives.
Leading – Teaching – Taking action – Following mandated health procedures – Helping others in their community and country and the world with an open heart – Promoting gratitude and optimism –
Creating new things – Finding solutions – Sharing their gifts – Exploring new territory to help others.
That’s my choice.
How do you want to remember yourself at this time?
Thanks – Michael