What Work Do You Love Doing?

by Michael Feeley
IF YOUR JOB disappeared tomorrow (and I hope it doesn’t), what would you do with your life?
Write your answer down now – the first thing that comes to mind.
OK – Why Not Do It?
I ask the question because after 20+ years working as a headhunter in New York City, nearly every person I asked this question to immediately had an answer.
And then… we’d work together to make that dream job happen.
Some of my greatest happiness and work I’m proud of was helping other people find a job they loved – being expressed – fulfilled – creative – generous – useful and infinitely happy.
It takes work to find work, so why not go after living and working your dreams.
French novelist and playwright Honore′ de Balzac expresses me fully on this subject:
“An unfulfilled vocation drains the color from a man’s entire existence.”
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share my Daily and insist people do work they love.
This is important too – Do Your Best Work.