What Words!

by Michael Feeley
Essentially Killing Time means to do something not interesting… not important… just to pass the time while you might be waiting to do something else. Like waiting for your flight to take off.
Killing time might encourage you to zone out – to fall asleep or not to be present or focused and waste time. To do nothing or something that has little meaning.
Even when you sleep or take a break you have a purpose in taking that time – to renew yourself and that is needed.
On the flip side, we don’t like it when people waste our time. We want our time to be valued. Respected.
What exactly are you killing when killing time?
Killing an opportunity – wasting your potential – lessening your desires and dreams? It’s more than putting yourself on hold.
It sounds serious. Harmful – ‘Killing Time’.
“Attention is a precious resource. Time is precious. There is no refund.” – Seth Godin
Our time is limited. Why not make a better choice and not waste time but make time to have fun and be happy and productive without killing time.
Thanks – Michael
Please share this post to help us all value time and be smart how we each choose to use it.
This may also matter to you – Be Aware of Your Choices – They Make Your Life.