What Message Is the World Sending You?

by Michael Feeley
I’M OFTEN THINKING about symbols and messages from the world that appear in my life. What do they mean –
specific dreams – animals – patterns of numbers – people – song lyrics?
What are my gut feelings and intuition telling me and helping me learn and grow and change?
Early every morning, 9 to 20 Frigate Birds circle slowly overhead as I watch the sunrise. I googled their meaning,
and this is what I found:
“Magnificent frigate bird – They keep going with little rest or worry…. They represent strength and the ability to last long when in flight… they assure the ability to persevere longer than any other bird in their endeavors… to keep going with little rest or worry… a commanding presence not afraid to act… quick and able.”
I am like the Frigate Birds. These words describe my life choices, synchronicities, and qualities.
The universe provides for you. It has your back and is always guiding you. Please be open and pay attention to the symbols appearing in your life and what they tell you.
Thanks – Michael
Please send this post along to other people and study the symbols appearing in your life.
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