What Matters?

by Michael Feeley
The world can be confusing and frightening. Health care and finances are crucial concerns. The future is unknown. We all need to make a living, and maybe prestige (in whatever form) and a paycheck aren’t what matters most.
What do you value most?
For me, it’s living a quality life – safety – peace – being around beauty and nature – helping other people – love.
After living and working in New York City for 40+ years, I leaped out of corporate America, where relentless stress, competition, anger, and compliance were killing me! I took another path and made significant, better life choices and changes because I wanted to be healthy mentally and physically – to like my life more and be happier – to live as my true self, not covered over by driving the most expensive brand car, wearing designer clothes, living in the right neighborhood.
Sometimes, you must dig in to discover what matters to you.
Sometimes, you have to pause to know what matters to you.
Sometimes, what matters immediately pops up, and you’d better listen, react, and decide what you want because you only get one life, and you should make it count.
You have choices. You can decide how you live.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is also important – An Intentional Life.