What Lights You Up?

by Michael Feeley
THE SUN IS our greatest light source, guiding us, offering warmth, growth, and consistent energy.
Electricity is another. We turn on the lights to see, or we choose to stay in the dark.
Light and electricity are also metaphorical.
You have a light bulb idea, a flash of brilliance where you light up with inspiration or an inventive thought. Different from the seed metaphor, where something is planted and nurtured over time.
Unique things light up our lives. People, meditation, reading, writing, creating, yoga, exercising, music, organizing, building, serving people, teaching, gardening, cooking, business, brainstorming with people, dancing, painting, cleaning, editing, designing, shadow work, coaching+++
Seeing and being in the light is an opportunity to look around, take things in, connect, explore and choose a direction where you make a valuable difference for a specific group of people.
> What lights you up?
> Who do you want to light up?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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