What is the Meaning of Your life?

by Michael Feeley
ONE OF MY favorite quotes is by Viktor Frankl because it’s true. It moves me every time I read it.
“The meaning of your life is to help others find the meaning of theirs.”
This choice has been with me nearly all my life in my heart and my work: shoveling snow – mowing lawns – farming – paperboy – gardening – teaching – actor/singer – sales rep – travel agent – headhunter – life coach – real estate broker – writer – Akimbo Workshop coach.
> What do Viktor Frankl’s words mean to you?
> Where might they be true about your life and work?
Dr. Viktor E. Frankl is one of my heroes because of his courage and empathy. He was an Austrian psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor. I highly recommend his book – Man’s Search for Meaning.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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I like this for you too – Dreams – The Biggest Adventure of Your Life.
#994 (photo – Viktor E. Frankl – Google image)