What is Seeking You?
by Michael Feeley
WHATEVER YOU DREAM, that dream is dreaming of you.
Whatever your goal, it is goaling you.
What you seek, plan, and yearn for is seeking, planning, and yearning for you.
Whatever you put out to the universe, you return it to yourself. It’s the law of attraction. Positive energy and actions return positive results; the same is true of negativity. It’s also in Newton’s law of action and reaction – cause and effect.
Let’s go further – there’s the belief (the fact because it has happened to me frequently) that the world is creating your success. The forces of reality are on your side, backing your desires, happiness, and prosperity.
When an opportunity presents itself to you, it’s the world coming through for you, and hopefully, you’re wise enough to take the offering because it’s what you want… maybe meant to be.
Think about how this has happened in your life – where you got what you wanted – something you hungered for arrived. You got your dream job. You met your idol or worked with your hero. The love of your life walked in. How is this the world building your success? It’s logical magic.
You are aligned with the universe, and you can strengthen that bond with awareness, intuition, and consciously knowing the world around you and the messages that reality sends you – connected in profound and valuable ways. The universe always plays a role in your life. Be present.
The world and you are in tandem – a duet – your dance partner – self and world in a cohesive team.
Anything is possible if you put your mind and heart to it and assist the world to guide you to your true self and purpose
here on earth.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is vital too – Truth.