Change Offers You Endless Possibilities

by Michael Feeley
First make your choice to change.
Then persistently work on your commitment to change.
Moment by moment… hour into hour… day after day… until you get what you want.
Change is not about giving yourself radical orders or ruthlessly criticizing yourself but rather offering the kind and positive choice to simply improve on you. Connecting to your personal longing to be better – more yourself – happier.
What endless possibilities change offers you.
Testing – Training – Guiding Yourself – Teaching – Playing – Practicing Change – Learning – Trying out the change – Fine tuning change until it fits well, feels good and oh so comfortable that change becomes you. A new and natural habit takes the place of old dissatisfaction. Changes make sense. There is peacefulness. You’re relaxed and strong – free and grounded – open not hiding. You love the change.
Change impacts you as a whole and often you feel you have come home to yourself. Your core self. Truly you.
You have gotta do the work! It’s going to be a challenge but the importance of the work will lead you.
Only you know how relevant the changes you want are and how they are right for you. That’s the great beauty of your ability to change. It’s your choice to create.
Thanks – Michael