What Effect Does News Have On You?

by Michael Feeley
THE NEWS OFTEN presents the worst things in the world, and there are also millions of positive human acts of kindness and goodwill.
- What effect does news have on you?
- What will you do with what you hear and read?
- What is the truth?
I’m not asking you to ignore and suppress the news, but rather to see the two elements always present: Good and evil –
justice and injustice – gratitude and resentment – love and hate – and then to make a choice – how you want to live and
how you can improve the world.
I often think about these simple and mighty words by Katharine Graham (once owner and publisher of The Washington Post newspaper) – “Truth and news are not the same thing.”
Thanks – Michael
Please share this post and promote healthy news.
I think this too will inspire you – Describe Not Discriminate.