We Are All Caretakers

by Michael Feeley
YOU’RE A CARETAKER of many things.
You’re filled with all kinds of colors of care, opportunities, possibilities, choices, and commitments to care.
So take a look right now – What do you care for?
> You’re a caretaker of your physical and emotional ‘self.’
> Caretaker of your reputation. You can be proud of your words and deeds if you live with honor.
> If you have children and family, you take care of them.
> Pets always need care.
> In your home (even if you rent), you are responsible for respecting your property, keeping it clean, and paying for
damages and bills. You don’t abandon a home.
> You have responsibilities in your work to your colleagues, vendors, and clients.
Caretakers take care of things not because they’re told to but because they want to – living a good life matters
to people like us.
Taking care of your good name – having Integrity – is the most critical thing in your life.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is important too – Victim of Hero… Which Are You?