Victim or Hero – What’s Your Story?

by Michael Feeley
HOW DO YOU see yourself as a victim or a hero?
The two words can seem extreme, and you might feel they have nothing to do with you. But they do. They tell your story.
You have successes and failures, troubles and happiness, obstacles to overcome, and things to celebrate.
One minute you’re on top of the world because you landed a new client, and the next, you’re cursing because you didn’t get the job you wanted. Victim or hero?
I’m not trivializing the meaning of these words because being a victim can be a horrible thing when someone takes advantage of you but… helping out, in some critical way, can save a person’s life, and that’s at the heart of being a hero.
Hero or victim is a choice – a state of mind and heart.
– What is your general state of mind?
– How happy are you, or are you a complainer, feeling things are against you?
– Are you self-supporting or self-defeating?
The words hero and victim are basic, and what an effect the choice will have on you and others.
Thanks – Michael (he,him)
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