Variety and Count On

by Michael Feeley
THE WORDS – Variety and Count On – keep coming to my mind.
They seem positive and related because people and things count on us for a variety of reasons, and we count on them.
> Our family and friends count on us for care, love, security, understanding+++
> People at work count on us to show up, help out and do our job.
> Our pets count on us to love and feed them, especially since they can’t talk and tell us what they need.
> Our cars, homes, yard, laundry, air conditioners, computers, electricity, water, food, all kinds of objects and things
count on us.
Trust – Responsibility – Helping – Empathy – Respect – Gratitude – Happiness – Dependency – are all wrapped up in –
Variety and Count On.
One crucial thought to consider is whether you like being counted on or like needing other people and things.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This also matters – Accountability Buddy.