Use Your Self

by Michael Feeley
HOW CAN YOUR life be helpful to other people?
It might be sharing some of your personal story – a skill you have – knowledge – a relationship with other people – a choice
– a plan – a desire to have a person feel connected – to set off a dream in someone – to give hope – to make a life better.
For me, it’s been the choice of determination that I tell others about.
From a young age, I was determined to make something of my life. I pledged to myself (others saw it, too) that I would live my life my way. I’d be happy on my terms and work to achieve my dreams. I wasn’t being selfish. I didn’t harm people or things and chose to be of service and encourage others’ happiness. I learned how resilient and helpful I could be with a determined life.
It’s a beautiful purpose and opportunity to use your Self for the betterment of humanity, and by self, I mean
your whole being – mind, body, and spirit.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This also matters – Self-Stereotyping.