Un-Limit Yourself

by Michael Feeley
We each have limits. They might be physical, emotional, or ethical. We also make choices that limit us.
Then there is another choice opportunity open to us. We can decide to un-limit ourselves, to stop accepting being stuck, tied down, bored, unfulfilled, stationary, wasting away, and living the same old, same old.
By taking decisive action and crafting a strategic plan, you can break free from these self-imposed limits and open the door to a world of new possibilities in your life and work. This shift will not only liberate you from feeling trapped but also ignite a sense of dynamism and freedom, replacing stagnation with a renewed sense of purpose.
I wasn’t sure that ‘unlimit’ was even a word, so when I looked it up, this is what I read:
“Absolute, boundless, endless, immeasurable, immense, incalculable, indefinite, infinite, limitless, unconditional, unfettered, universal, unrestrained, unrestricted, untold, vast.”
OK. That is amazing and highly stimulating. Choosing between sticking with a limited self and creating change by un-limiting yourself is powerful and inspiring.
Perhaps we’re forging a new word, an action word that encapsulates our decision not to be confined but rather to actively un-limit, release, and create our possibilities and radiate with potential.
Consider this: how much does the act of un-limiting your potential challenge and begin to dismantle a limited self?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is also important to act on – Reinvent is Different from Reset.