Two Kinds of Service

by Michael Feeley
IF YOU RENT a vacation home, there are two kinds of service.
Cog attitude and remarkable.
1. “The key is under the flower pot. Put it back when you’ve finished.”
2. “It’s one month before your arrival, and I wanted to welcome you. Here is some information about your rental home:
taxis, electricity, banks, ATMs, grocery stores, and restaurants. I’ll meet you when you arrive, give you a key and show you how the house works. We’ll give you some basic groceries to get you started – water, wine, bread, cheese, eggs, butter, milk, yogurt, and fruit, so you don’t have to find a store after traveling all day, and you can relax at home on your first night and day.
Please let me know how else I may be of further help.”
Good service is connecting with people and wanting to be of help, being a good listener, and going above and beyond
what is expected.
You’re a solution solver. You create intelligent results for happiness – having people feel at home, secure and comfortable.
You do it by choice because you can and want to.
There’s an essential difference between:
“Please – hesitate to call.” – and – “Please – How may I serve you?”
> How do you want to treat other people?
> What makes you stand out above all the others?
> Will you choose to be remarkable or forgettable?
> How do you want people to talk about you and your work?
What could be a more extraordinary service than helping other people like the world?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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