Turn Things Around

by Michael Feeley
YOU ALWAYS HAVE a choice to turn things around.
If you’re going in the wrong direction, turn around.
What’s the difference between I ‘have to’ and ‘want to’?
I can’t and I’ve got this?
Defining what you are for and what you are against?
Turning anger into gratitude – disdain into respect – dullness into excitement – resentment into forgiveness –
scarcity into generosity – cruelty into kindness – adversity into happiness.
It seems there are always two options – two ways of thinking, and when you see the choice you have, you can
change your mind and have a change of heart.
– What is the flip side to your question or feelings?
– What is the opposite?
– What is the mirror image?
Seeing the difference allows you to make a new and better choice.
Example: The housekeeper is stubborn. She wants her way.
> 1st turn around: I’m stubborn. I want my way.
> 2nd turn around: The housekeeper is not stubborn. Her way works.
> 3rd turn around: Stubborn doesn’t work for me. Being open-minded is better.
Turning things around can help you know the truth.
Once you see and find a turn around – the flip side – that works for you, you’ll feel greater freedom, more your self.
The answers are in you, and you can find them.
Change is possible.
The power of choice is a true friend.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily and see what turns around.
I think this is also valuable – Plan and Spontaneity.