
by Michael Feeley
What is one thing you want to try?
What are you doing to leap in and make an attempt for it to happen?
And if you’re on hold, what stops you from taking steps to start what you’re thinking about trying?
Lack of time?
Trying something different creates change. You’re challenging yourself, learning something new, growing, and deciding whether this activity or skill is for you.
Maybe it’s trying a new food or a new skill or trying to find a new job, a new relationship, a new home, or a new outlook.
TRY = Taking a Risk for Yourself. It’s putting in the effort and creating an opportunity to benefit you and perhaps others.
Trying is exciting. Take the first step and see how you connect. You’ll be surprised at your positive feelings, curiosity, and gratitude and how fear relaxes and goes away.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is also important – Try or Sabotage Your Self.