Truth and the Way Forward

by Michael Feeley
Who and what are you connected to?
What are the people, things, places, and values that matter to you?
If the connections work well for you, keep them. If they do not give you strength and a positive daily life purpose, change them for the better.
I believe we are all the same at our center, in our hearts.
No matter what differences seem, we are kind and want to have goodwill for one another—making friends, not enemies. We can live with respect, not hatred, for other people, cultures, beliefs, and life choices, both for individuals and communities.
Fear and criticism are intensely around, but we each can make the alternative choice for decency, dignity, gratitude, hope, and love. A fresh start. It is a wise and kind decision to live in peace. One you can practice, learn from, grow, and change.
Stick to the truth. Cooperate with the facts. Let truth lead you and be your teacher; even while the truth may be difficult, complicated, or brutal. We can work with the things we face and find a way forward.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This also matters – Diversity and Unity.