There’s More You Want

by Michael Feeley
We have goals and dreams we’re driven to achieve – to get into a prestigious school like the Sorbonne, to be a Radio City Rockette, to become a lawyer, doctor, government official, or fashion designer.
It’s a celebration when it happens. You’ve Arrived. You’re a success, and then you realize you must keep working on it, maintaining your skills, advancing, and growing. It’s part of the dream work you signed up for because of love.
Sometimes, you get what you want and realize you don’t like it. It’s not right for you. There’s something more you want that expresses you in a better, more profound, more meaningful way.
That’s perfectly OK. It happens. It’s part of living. Don’t let your inner critic berate and shame you into believing you’re a worthless failure, that your parents and friends will think you’re nuts to have doubts, that you’re a waste, and you should keep working at something you no longer want.
All that time and learning is not worthless. Your skills, knowledge, and experiences are transferable. They apply to and fit into an abundance of other jobs, careers, vocations, and personal needs.
You have freedom. You don’t need to be locked down and settle. There are always options. You can make other choices that allow you to live as your best self. Keep going after what you want, showing up and living in change.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This also matters – Why Not Be a Kind and Useful Critic?