The Wonder of What’s Familiar

by Michael Feeley
I just returned home from being away and noticed how things are the same and different. There is wonder in the familiar.
There’s the comfort and joy of driving on roads that you know, entering your neighborhood, seeing people, your house, and experiencing objects and furniture. If you consciously choose to look at things as if for the first time, there is awe.
The opposites are amazing things – sameness and difference – ordinary and remarkable – familiar and strange – old and new.
Right now, take a few minutes to experience the wonder of looking at something familiar to you. Maybe the desk you’re sitting at, a glass of water or cup of coffee you’re drinking, a beloved pet, and a person you love. Feel the newness and sound, happy, moving emotions it makes for.
We each have this ability to be curious. It’s a choice to wonder about all that is around you. It changes you for the better, moves you away from taking things for granted, and opens you up to profound gratitude for life and living.
I’m reminded of these words of Albert Einstein:
“He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.”
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This also matters – Gratitude is Always with You.