The Possibilities of You
by Michael Feeley
What if there is more inside of you than you see or want to see? Wouldn’t that be worth exploring? Worth looking at new you possibilities? Worth reconsidering who you are and creating new self-opportunities for your life and work?
That’s where coaching is highly beneficial, helping you become the person you want to be – to lead the way you see yourself leading – to fulfill your ambitions.
Coaching enables you to create the changes you want. It helps you uncap your ‘self,’ removing limits that you, your work, society, and the status quo have encouraged and you may have agreed to follow.
Change is exciting, sometimes necessary, and scary because we like our comfort. Why mess things up that seem to be okay?
However – Is okay good enough for you, or do you want to dare your ‘self’ to stretch, explore, and try more – live more –
play big and play full out?
Why wait around for change that might never happen?
Why wait to be discovered – for people to wake up, see your value, and promote you when you can create the change you want?
Ask for help. You do not need to work alone. Hire a professional coach to assist you in making the critical decisions and changes.
Coaching is a safe and pleasurable alliance where you can regularly work on the crucial issues of your life – to understand where you are in your life and what changes you want and need to make.
You have a hand in designing your life, keeping what works well, and raising the stakes on your personal and professional goals.
Please email me, and let’s talk about working together on you.
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Step into your greatness.
Discover your potential and the best possibilities of you.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is also important – Coaching Creates Change.