The Opposites at Work

by Michael Feeley
THE OPPOSITES are always with us. The dualities of life and living – the forces of the world – choices we make.
– Logic and Emotion
– Facts and Feelings
– Scientific Data and Passion, imagination, innovation
– Left Brain and Right Brain
Coaches study how the opposites work in people. Some people lead by trusting their feelings and listening to their gut and heart. Others by strict logic and strategy.
How can you blend the two?
– First – Recognize the opposites in yourself. What do you favor? What choices do you lead with, manage by, and build your work and life on? How well is it working for you? What change are you looking for?
– Second – It’s not about saying one leading choice is a strength and another a weakness. It’s not data versus passion but rather data working with passion.
Maybe you want to learn to work with more empathy, so make the conscious choice and effort to try and have feelings for others – work to know and understand someone – think about the person – and be deeply curious. Who are they? What do they want? What are their hopes and fears? You’ll notice soon enough that with understanding comes care, and there are always facts and reasons for why you care for someone or something.
Suppose you’re an executive running a company with a front desk receptionist. In that case, they probably need the job to make a living and hopefully like their work – meeting and greeting people and representing your company with integrity and happiness.
Every receptionist is a gatekeeper and a concierge – stop and go – yes and no – in and out – connected to one and many others – service with humility and rules – personal and impersonal.
The opposites and the opportunity to know your receptionist and have a good effect on them are here.
If a receptionist – or any other human being in a company – feels respected and cared for, how will that affect their work as they answer a phone, write an email, solve a problem, and welcome clients into your business?
Empathy – genuine interest – and feelings for people blend perfectly well with business acumen, earning clients and building profits.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This also matters – How Do You Live with Duality?