The Art and Science of Listening

by Michael Feeley
LISTENING IS AN ESSENTIAL life skill directly connected to our sense of hearing. It’s a form of communication,
learning, and feeling.
We listen to all sorts of things during the day. Some things are on purpose, and others unconsciously.
We pay attention to something when we listen, often hearing someone speaking.
There’s an art and science to good listening and a skill we can practice.
Listening is an active choice compared to simple hearing, which can be passive.
Good listening is making sure we understand what someone else is saying and that they feel we’re present and
hearing them.
The ability to feel is crucial because the person speaking wants to be heard and to know we understand and care.
Accurate, empathetic listening is at the center of all the transformations that take place in every coaching modality – executive – entrepreneur – career – leadership – life coaching. That’s where the empowering questions come from – out of careful listening – and then the answers.
There are three levels of listening that coaches train in and practice:
1. Subjective everyday listening, where you relate what is being said only to yourself.
2. Objective listening is deeper and focuses much more on the other person.
3. Intuitive listening is the most profound choice, where you get to the real message of what another person is saying, how they say it, tone of voice, energy level, including what is not being said. Coaches listen between the lines, using all our senses and gut instincts to know and help people find the answers and improve their lives.
Coaches do not listen to criticize or judge but deliberately take the time needed to create trust with sincere curiosity, building the feeling of safety where a person can speak their mind and heart.
Trust comes from being heard.
What an incredible, satisfying feeling it is to feel heard and understood. We all yearn for this. Perhaps it is our deepest hope and desire.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This also matters – Trust in People Succeeds in Business.