Tell a Different Story and Change the Culture

by Michael Feeley
I WAS BORN to give top-level service to people, and it shows up in my work as a life coach and real estate broker.
My job in real estate could be prosaic, but I choose to tell a different story, offering practical empathy – the sincere desire to know what a person wants in a home – be it for a week or a lifetime.
People like us do things like this. We create a different culture in how people think about housing and real estate because caring, using emotional labor to stand in another person’s shoes to discover what’s on their mind, in their heart, and even asking what their fears and concerns are matter.
Empathy is the deepest and most valuable part of business and sales
I’m telling a new story about buying and renting than is expected. Showing up in an email, telephone conversation, in-person meeting that focuses on the meaning of home, connecting people with nostalgia, security, and the comforts of home
they have in mind.
It goes beyond the obligation to pull up multiple listings, to show properties, and persuade a person to buy something they may not even want.
I’m not after the masses. I’m connecting with a specific group of people – my smallest viable audience (SVA) –
who want to live on a small Caribbean island without crowds, surrounded by gorgeous nature and friendly people because
the quality of their lives is crucial.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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I think you’ll like this also – At Home with Yourself and the World.
#624 (photo – Haiku House on the Caribbean Island of Saba)