Talk about Your Work

by Michael Feeley
MANY SKILLED PEOPLE surround us, and we can help each other.
We have:
Electricians who keep our lights and Wi-Fi running.
Doctors who help us live healthy lives.
Housekeepers who clean and organize our homes and offices.
Mechanics – builders – painters – gardeners – coaches – chefs – taxi drivers – teachers – government officials – hairdressers – delivery people+++
When you need help, you call someone and negotiate for their services.
You have two choices:
You search for cheap, haggling down to the bottom price, and hope the work is done right.
You pay for quality services and get reliable, professional people who care about their work and produce excellent results.
How do you want your work to be talked about?
As someone who will negotiate down and down in price until you give in and beat out everyone else?
As a person who knows the value of your work and sets a fair standard that’s consistently good and respected?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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