Talent – Skills – Practice

by Michael Feeley
YOU WERE BORN with talent – writing, drawing, singing, sports, languages, mathematics – but talent is not good enough
to carry you to where you dream of being. You owe something to your talent.
Talent needs skills, consistent study, hard work, knowledge, experience, commitment, and heart to flourish.
To be a professional, you must practice the skills your talent requires and deserves.
Practice writing until you have no more fear of writing, and ship your work.
Work with oils, watercolors, pencils, charcoals.
Practice musical scales and build your repertoire.
Tennis, soccer, running, gymnastics.
Italian, French, Russian, German.
Algebra, trigonometry, calculus.
Make your talents count.
Respect your gifts. Be grateful to them. Love them. Be faithful to them.
Practice – Practice – Practice – so your talents will be all they can be – solid, precise, free, beautiful, remarkable.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is also useful – You Can Practice Living Life.