Talent and Skills

by Michael Feeley
WE ARE EACH born with talent—a special gift – something we’re good at and love to do.
Maybe the ability to draw, cook, organize, sing, teach, offer service, take photos, play the piano, write, speak a language,
hit a baseball.
Still, your talent will not grow into what you hope for and what it deserves to be unless you study, train, and practice skills.
Learning skills is a beautiful and necessary process.
When you respect your talent, you choose to work hard to nurture and know your gift and share it with the world
at the top of your game. Not mediocre, but full-out professional, and that means skilled.
The people you admire, your heroes, earned their place in the world, honing their skills and building their talent up
to the best it can be.
The great news is this – skills are available to everyone.
All you need to do is commit to whatever it takes to study and master the skills.
Then you practice – practice – practice all the rest of your life because your skilled talent matters. You owe that to the world, and people will tell you why they appreciate you and your unique skills.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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