Stuck for a Good Reason

by Michael Feeley
SOMETIMES WE’RE STUCK for a good reason because we need to see something – learn something – change something
for the better in how we live and work.
Stuck is an opportunity for clarity – to check in with your ‘self’ – to look around in a friendly, gentle way and see where you are – to know your stuckness and owe it.
Stuck is a time for self-love, incredible self-kindness, and self-compassion.
If stuck is good for you, stay. If not, make a plan to change.
How can you allow the inertia, frustration, and pain of being stuck to motivate and move you in a new direction, to see what you want and help you be true to yourself?
I think you’re brave enough and strong enough to get unstuck and feel free!
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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I think you’ll like this too – Stuck or Free? Your Choice.