Strength and Weakness

by Michael Feeley
We have strengths, and we have weaknesses.
You can work on your weaknesses to change and improve them, making them stronger than they were.
But why not lead with your strengths and not use weakness as an excuse not to do the essential work you’re good at? Don’t stall or delay your happiness and success with what you might see as a shortcoming, fault, deficiency, or impairment.
Tech is not my strength. (Which is the same as saying tech is my weakness.) However, I choose not to dwell on it or suffer from it. I get by, and tech friends help me solve problems. This way, I can speed up and move along with my strengths in service, organization, and creativity and enthusiastically encourage people to live their best lives, find meaningful work, and understand how valuable their skills are.
Keep working on the things that work for you, that matter, and empower you.
We are both strong and weak. Everything in the world is.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This also matters – Go to What Gives You Strength.