Start and Stop

by Michael Feeley
START – TAKE ACTION. That is the main thing to do.
You have lists of things to do, projects, plans, ideas to develop, and things to organize, but nothing will happen
until you actually start.
> Where to begin power washing your house and deck? Make a choice and start.
> Paying bills.
> Making time to grocery shop.
> Doing laundry and sorting dry cleaning.
> Planning an event.
> Replacing light bulbs throughout your house.
> Planning and packing for a trip.
> Weeding your garden.
Start and see where your action choice leads you.
Sometimes start means to stop.
> Stop eating sweets and sugar.
> Stop gossiping and complaining and start being grateful.
> Stop procrastinating.
Start and stop – Stop and start. The two work together.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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I think you’ll see value in this too – Why Wait? Do It NOW.