Social Media Has Side Effects

by Michael Feeley
SOCIAL MEDIA ATTRACTS all kinds of people and connections.
It encourages people to act in all kinds of ways, to make all kinds of choices, and some of those decisions are thoughtless and hateful.
Respect is often forgotten on social media, which should never be allowed.
Choices have side effects.
What are the side effects of discounting and even spitting at respect for other people and things?
What are the consequences of kindness, civility, dignity, goodwill, and empathy compared to anger, contempt, ill will, and hatred?
Whether you acknowledge it or not, you are responsible for your effect on other people and things with your thoughts, words, and actions.
Living without respect and common decency for other people is to live at the lowest level of humanity and a waste of a life.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share my Daily and choose respect in person and on social media.
This matters too – The Choice for Contempt or Respect.