Save and Reuse

by Michael Feeley
I’M READING THE NEW best-selling book on climate change – The Carbon Almanac – loving it, learning many new things, and changing so I can help save our planet.
I look at things differently, with more depth and awareness – carbon – the climate – weather – electricity – water – gas – food – clothing – recycling – greenhouse gases – carbon sinks – temperatures – transportation – renewable energy.
I ask myself – What can I save and reuse?
> There are two sides to every piece of paper. So when you’ve filled out one side, don’t flip to a new page or throw it away; reuse the other side. And if a significant portion is unused, cut it up as scrap paper for lists, bookmarks, love and gratitude notes in all kinds of surprising places for your partner, family, and friends.
Did you know the majority of paper comes from pine trees? You can help save trees by saving paper.
> Sometimes I feel bad recycling a beautiful jar that jam came in, and I find a new use for it:
Holding paperclips – storing dried seeds for next year’s garden – dividing up loose change, so all the quarters, dimes, and nickels are in one place – separating different screws and nails – keeping matches dry – a bud and flower vase.
> Add a few drops of water to your nearly empty dish liquid or shampoo container so you can use it all up.
> I see people at the farmer’s market bringing their empty egg cartons to refill each week with fresh eggs.
Watch and learn how to save and reuse.
Ask people what they do to save and reuse and share your ideas to help our planet stay green and healthy.
Stopping climate change is urgent. Please put your mind, heart and hands into it.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily with all your tribes to help save our planet.
This also matters – Carbon Sinks Positively Absorb CO2.