Revenge Bedtime Procrastination

by Michael Feeley
I’m just learning about this attention-grabbing concept called – Revenge Bedtime Procrastination – RBP.
It’s your choice to delay sleep in response to stress or a lack of free time.
Maybe you worked hard all day long, it’s late, but you decide to be in control and aimlessly surf the internet, watch TV that doesn’t interest you, or eat because you’re bored.
You waste and pass the time without relaxing healthily.
You know you should get a good night’s sleep because if you don’t, you’ll be tired, cranky, unclear, and unable to produce and create in a comfortable, inspiring way the next day.
The choice for RBP is your lizard brain working at its best, and it can sound like this:
“I’ve given myself to so many other things all day, now it’s time to get back to ME.”
You think you’re taking care of yourself, but you’re not. You retaliate and harm yourself with self-revenge activities.
As you feel RBP coming on, why not question it and have goodwill for yourself?
– What is my purpose in surfing the internet, watching TV, mindlessly eating?
– What effect will personal gratification have on me – good or bad?
– What better choice can I make to respect myself, feel strong, grateful, and proud right away and in the morning?
– What’s the flip side of Revenge Bedtime Procrastination?
How about:
Goodwill Bedtime Productivity – Goodwill Bedtime Grace – Goodwill Bedtime Positivity – Goodwill Bedtime Care.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is also important – Self Care is Not Selfish.