Retire? I’m Not Finished Yet.

by Michael Feeley
People aged 60 – 70 – 80 may decide to retire because they want to and because the status quo—the system—tells them they have to. They are often treated as less valuable than they once were, wrongly thought of as moving and thinking more slowly than once and making too much money. So, a company will cut them out and replace them with a younger, less experienced, and cheaper person.
Sure, you can retire and collect a pension, but many mature people are not ready to quit. They have immensely valuable skills, precious gifts, credentials, and life experience with new chapters in their lives to write, a prominent second act, and many more encores to give.
You get one life and one chance to live your best life, so why not take it? Fight against ageism and cultures that lessen your meaning, abilities, and life choices.
Go ahead – break the rules of aging, which can be limiting, controlling, and unkind.
Invent new age tactics that express who you are and what you want for the rest of your life.
Build a positive, nurturing community, a culture for adventurous sages who want more for themselves and others and have miles of possibilities to explore.
Keep dreaming BIG and make your precious aspirations a reality.
What mature people do you know who are actively living a generous, successful, empowering life?
Let them be your guide – your heroes – and help them lead because you are not finished yet.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This also matters – Improving with Age.