Restock Your Self

by Michael Feeley
HOW DO YOU restock your inner shelves?
You know – Replenish your self – Renew – Reset – Regenerate – Rejuvenate – Refill – Restore your essence with peace, energy, self-love, and kindness?
Where do you take time to get relief, rest, rinse, refresh, relax, release and heal from a busy life and world?
How do you return home to your center and core values, your purpose, and dreams in life?
What makes you happy, strong, confident, and powerful?
Some people exercise.
Some meditate.
Some travel and change location.
Others read.
Listen to music.
Do nothing.
I write – coach people into their dreams – garden avidly – organize – listen to opera, piano music, jazz, trumpets, and cello – spend loads of time with my partner – create. – serve people.
I have to be close to nature – digging in the earth and caring for plants and vegetables revitalizes me, and I do it every day.
I surround myself with positive, loving people and care for others, doing good wherever I can.
All this helps me reseed myself to grow fresh and robust and to bloom profusely.
What about you? How do you restock your self?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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